in this post I will explain about Islamic Dream Interpretation Praying, I have explained the dream interpretation according to Islam and according to ibn sir sirin below very complete. hopefully can be useful for you.
sometimes dreaming about Islamic Dream Interpretation Praying can bring good luck to you but can also bring bad for you. be an optimist in the face of nightmares or good dreams, like you dream Islamic Dream Interpretation Praying and you try to islamic dream interpretation Islamic Dream Interpretation Praying

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Monday, January 22, 2018

islamic dream interpretation according to Quran, hadith of prophet and Kitab ibn Sirin

Book Encyclopedia Dream Tafsir According to Islamic Tradition this is the essay from Imam Ibn Sirin. Muhammad Bin Sirin is more familiar with the call of Ibn Sirin. He is a scholar. In addition to studying tafsir, hadith and other sciences, he is renowned as an expert and proficient in interpreting dreams. The interpretation of the dreams he has associated many verses of the Qur'an, and the Hadith of the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam, in addition to his extensive experience in interpreting dreams. Keep this book in every room for a good interpretation of the dream.

Every human has ever dreamed because dreams are a commonplace thing to do during sleep and it applies to everyone. The more cautious a person is to Allah S.W.T. the more perfect his dreams will be a guide than Allah S.W.T.

Word of the Prophet S.A.W. meaning: "The true dream is part of the forty-six prophecies." (Hadith of Muslim History)

Nabi S.A.W. said: "The good dream is from Allah and the nightmare from the devil, then when one of you is a nightmare, spit in the left three times, then ask for protection from Allah, then his dream will not worry." (Hadith History of Muslim)

In another history of the Prophet S.A.W. said: "When one of you sees a dream that pleases him, let him say 'Alhamdulillah' and tell it to another person, and instead when he sees the dream he has made, the dream is from the devil, so he should say isti'azah (a'uuzubillahi minasysyaitoonir roojiim) and do not tell it to others because the dream does not harm her. "(Hadith narrated by Bukhari from Abi Sa'id).

To get a true dream, one should behave ably before going to bed like ablution, reading al-Quran, remembrance and witir prayer. Sleep under the direction of the Qibla like sleeping Rasulullah S.A.W. A good time is midnight between 1 am to 4 am. (time of prayer).

The dream that is dreamed between the time of a person to be happy until he is sleeping is true and beneficial. These dreams are often an open and intermediate carrier to the extraordinary. The proof of the truth of the dream is expressed by God S.W.T. with his words which means: "Verily, Allah will prove the dream to his Messenger, you will enter the Sacred Mosque if God wills safely"

(Surah al-Fath verse 27).

A dream happens when someone is asleep. It may also occur in other situations, such as when fainted, drunk, nazak and so on, with the physical condition being semi-conscious.

It is said that a dream happens when the soul of a person comes out of his body, but different to death is that the soul of the dead goes out all the way from the body. For those who dream, their spirits only come out in the sense of 'extending,' there are still living in the body. That's why sleep people are still breathing. Like a right foot in the water but the left foot on the ground. So is the person who dreamed, some of his spirits were in his body while some were outside his body.

The whole human dreamed. Sometimes the dream is beautiful and sometimes not, sometimes the dream cannot be understood and interpreted, sometimes the dream is also mysterious and symbolic that it is quite difficult for us as human beings to explain the meaning behind every occurrence of the dream.

Imam Ibn Sirin, in his book Tafsir Dream According to Islam, said: "Not all dreams can be interpreted meaning contained therein. There are times when dreams are like the wind, but then something really comes true. The dream of a cautious person is a perfection that will prevail, because the Prophet did not dream but his dream came true. As for the unbelieving man's dream is the message spread by Shaitan. "

In a narrative narrated, a woman asked, "O Messenger of Allah, indeed I dreamed of seeing some of his body in my house." He replied, "Surely Fatimah will give birth to a son, then you will nurse it." Soon Fatimah gave birth to Hussein and breastfeeding by the woman.

according to dream interpreters, the dream is divided into three kinds:

1. Dreams from God S.W.T. that is a good dream for the world and the hereafter is good news or a reminder from God S.W.T. so as not to commit disobedience to Him.

2. The dream of the devil or the game of the devil, which is a dream that can not be defined by the dreamer. It means the dreaming person cannot remember the order or storyline of the dream. Dreams like this are considered foul and have no meaning or no meaning. Or an unpleasant nightmare such as the coming of evil, misfortune, hostility, sadness, misery, poverty, misery and so forth.

3. The desire for passion. As we know the emotions are three, namely mutmainnah lust, lawwama lust and ammarah appetite. Dreams like this happen because of the influence of one's mind. Something he does or feels during the day or before his sleep is always incarnate during his sleep. Or dream of eating when self is hungry, dreams of people in sickness and so on. Dreams like this have no meaning at all.

Rasulullah SAW said the meaning; "There are three dreams, a dream from God (a good dream), a dream from the devil (nightmares) and a dream out of itself for something going on then he dreams."

The dream has its distinctive features. Some dreams of imagining what will happen and then actually happen. A good dream is a dream that is backed up by God S.W.T; it is a true dream, which comes with glad tidings and warnings. According to the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari, the dream (the good and the truth) is part of the eternal inheritance of prophethood to this day.

While the disliked dreams are dreams that are backed up to the devil; The prophet S.A.W asked to hide it and throw it away. He told the dreamer (from the devil) that the dream would not harm him. The undesirable dream is a frightening dream that can bring slander and deceit.

In the books of Ibn Sirin, Imam Ad-dahlawi, Imam An-Nawawi and Imam Ibn Hajar. There are ways and customs that are circumcised when dreaming of the devil's interruption. The ways are as follows:

1. Reading ta'awwuz (a'uuzubillahi minasysyaitoonir roojiim)

2. Spit on our left side 3 times.

3. Change the way to sleep on the other side.

4. Build 2 rak'ahs (if possible) and pray that we will be kept away from misfortune and disaster and ask for good and protection from Allah S.W.T.

If we practice things above God-bad dreams there is no effect on us.

Below it is to enclose takbir or interpretation of dreams according to intelligent scholars of knowledge about takbir and interpretation of dreams like Imam Ibn Sirin and others:

1.0. See death.

1.1. Al-Ustaz Abu Sa'id said: "Looking at dying in dreams is a regret of a very big thing. Anyone who sees as if he were dead, then he lived again, meaning he had sin then he repented, according to the word of God S.W.T. which means: "They say: 'Our Lord, You have killed us twice and raised us twice, then we confess our sins."

(Surah al-Mukmin verse 11)

1.2. Anyone who sees as if he died without any disease and the things that cause death, means that his age is still long. Whoever sees as if he has not died means he is near death. If the dreaming person seems to think that he is not dead forever, then he will die in sabilillah war.

1.3. Whoever dreams, then he is bathed and scorned, meaning peace of the world but broken his religion.

1.4. Anyone who sees the priest (the leader of the state) is dead, meaning there will be a disaster in the country, as well as dreaming to see a disaster in one country shows the death of the priest of the land.

1.5. Anyone who dreamed to see someone dead (dead), as if he were dead again, then the people crying, that is not to scream and wail, then this indicates to be married to one of his children. Dreaming to see their cries indicates a happiest thing for them. According to one opinion bemimpi see the dead again the one who actually died shows the death of one of his family.

1.6. Anyone who dreamed to find a corpse, then he would get the property. If it comes to him the news of one's death, it will come to him the news of his religious degradation and the rising worldly problems. If he sees as if his son were dead, then he escaped from his enemy.

1.7. If he sees as if someone were saying to someone: "The Polan dies," then there is distress for the informant. If the pregnant woman dreams of death and others crave her without wailing, she will get a son, and she will be happy.

1.8. According to one opinion, the dying soul indicates she is going to marry, whereas the married, dying dream indicates she will be divorced. This is because if death occurs, there will be separation.

1.9. While the mourning dream, whoever sees as if somewhere in the place of wailing, there would be a bad administration in the place that caused his members to be divorced.

1.10. While the dream was crying, there was an interpretation of Ibn Sirin that he said: "The cry of seeing in sleep is something that is pleasing. But if the cry or lament is accompanied by dance is not a good dream. If a person sees a dead person, the person he knows, and he mourns and sounds a trumpet, it means a disaster or sorrow for the person he sees or his family. "

1.11. If a person sees the leader dead and they cry behind his body without accompanying the lament, they will see something pleasing to the leader. Anyone who sees as if the leader dies and the people call him a good person, meaning it is good in his leadership.

1.12. Anyone who sees as if he is in the midst of a group of dead people, means he is among the hypocrites, he tells them to do good, but they ignore it.

1.13. And the interpretation and part of them (dreamers), whoever sees as if he is friendly with the dead will go away far and there he gets a lot of good. If he dreams of eating with the dead means longevity. And seeing the death of the leader shows he will be ousted or dismissed.

2.0. Bathing the body

2.1. The dream of bathing the corpse, whoever sees the body washing, means the family or the corpse is out of sadness and wealth. If the body is bathed by someone, it means that there are people who repent in the hands of the bathing person.

The person who baths according to his dream origin is a lot of merchants who benefit a lot and help the poor or even be dignified as a noble person who repents in his hands the sinners.

2.2. Whoever sees with the bathing person, then he will rise and escape from distress. If you look at the dead looking for the person who washed his clothes, meaning the dead, it is very desirable to prayer, alms and the person who will pay his debt and execute his will.

2.3. If the dreamer sees a person washing the dead person's clothes, it means there is a goodness of the bath that has come to the dead.

3.0 Viewing shades

3.1. According to one opinion of the shroud is dreamed of like to commit adultery. Whoever sees his clothing is not perfect, he is invited to commit adultery but ignores it. Anyone who sees as if he were wrapped in a shroud like the dead, signaled he would die. If he sees that his head and leg are not covered, there is something bad in his religion.

However, sometimes the shroud is less for the corpse to be regarded as near to repentance while excessive shroud is far from repentance.

3.2. Anyone who sees as if an unidentified folk decorate her and dress her for her beauty without any reason such as a feast or a bride and then leave her alone in one home then it shows her dead.

4.0. See mortuary

4.1. Whoever dreams as if he were carried in the coffin, he would increase his dignity and his wealth.

4.2. Whoever dreams is put into the coffin and no one raises or brings it, meaning he will be imprisoned.

4.3. Anyone who sees as if the person who sent him was crying behind his wand, then his dream, as well as he saw them praising and praying for him. If he sees them not crying and does not praise him is not good.

5.0 Dream of Humanity

Sometimes we often dream that sometimes we are in danger where there are people who hunt us and try to kill us and are often in a runaway and frightened. Well, this dream can be explained by a dream come true and see which one is composed of four groups - parents, children, strangers, and strangers. It is hoped that the explanation below can be used as a guide, Allahu Allam.

5.1. Dream of seeing a man known

Al-Ustaz Abu Sa'id said; "Dreaming to see the well-known man is going to get something from him, from a person who is similar to him or a name with him."

The purpose of the dream is to receive valuables from it means getting something to be desired of it. If the dreaming is a worthy person to be a leader and he sees receiving a new shirt from him, then he will lead that person. Dreaming of receiving a rope from a person means there is a promise to him.

5. 2. See parents

Seeing unknown parents or those over the age of 35 indicates the limited age of the dreaming person. Anyone who sees as if he is following a parent, means he is in good faith. Whoever sees Turkish parents means he's got a good friend.

5. Viewing youth / not recognized

Dream of the youth is the enemy. Dreaming of seeing white youth is a hidden enemy, black youth is a rich enemy, reddish-skinned youth is an old enemy.

5.3.1 If the person who dreamed was seen followed by the young man means he will meet the enemy. If he sees a bulging look at the old man turning into a young child, then his various dreams. Some say he will have fun. Some say he will get degenerate, just as there is a world or religion issue, some say he will die.

5.3.2. If he sees an unknown and very angry youth looking at him, he will encounter an enemy he hates. If he is happy to see him, then he will meet the enemy he likes. The woman who sees the young woman in her sleep means that it is an enemy to her under any circumstances. But dreaming of seeing an old woman, that means her world. If he sees the woman decorating his private parts, then he will get the pleasure of his world. If he sees the old lady looking away, then his glory is lost.

5.3.3. If he sees a parent entering his house, he will get the pleasure of the world and if he sees it out of his house means lost his worldly pleasures.

5.3.4. If he sees that old lady is not Islam, it means that pleasure is haram, but if Islam means its pleasure, it is a lawful pleasure.

5.3.5. If she sees as if a young woman swapping into an old woman shows her world well.

5.3.6. If a man sees an old woman, who does not like him while he wants to see it means he is hard to get the pleasure of the world. If she seems to like him, then he gets the world's pleasure just like the old woman's fondness.

6.0. Seeing children

6.1. Children's dreams are weak enemies. If any man dreamed as if he were transformed into a child it meant losing his dignity. But his dream shows the loss of his troubles. If he sees as if supporting a child, it means he will govern the government.

6.2. Anyone who sees as if he studies the Quran or manners means he is free from sin.

6.3. Anyone who sees as if he has a large number of children will have to deal with the difficulties of managing the child with many hardships. According to the hikayat, a man came to Ibn Sirin and said: "I dreamed as if in my room there was a child screaming "Then Ibn Sirin said:" Fear Allah and do not hit people with wood. "

6.4. Seeing girls sleeping means getting light and easy after, having trouble. Anyone who dreamed of buying slaves means he is in trouble and anyone who dreamed of buying a slave would benefit.

6.5. Whoever dreams of having a boy who is puberty, means that it is splendor and strength to him. But the splendor and strength are more likely to happen to the child's mother. The woman who dreamed of having an adult son means a kindness that will come to her. However, one opinion of a person who has a child, then he sees as if he is an adult, means to show his death. The other word saw the child as if it had grown up to show strength and help.

6.6. Someone whose wife is pregnant is dreaming of birth as a boy, but apparently, his wife gave birth to a daughter. Some even dream of getting a daughter but she gets a son. There is even the exact thing he sees in his dream.

7.0. Dream Of Event Or Occurrence

Dream Of Event Or Occurrence

1. Dreaming of performing his address prayer will be perfect work in the world and hereafter.

2. Dreaming of civil war or you will perform Hajj the address of your sin will be forgiven the world and the hereafter

3. Dreaming to enter an illegal mosque or to perform tawaf in the address of the address you will get the reward and favor of the hereafter, and if someone is in pain he will soon recover

4. Dreaming of giving alms or zakat fitrah you will be happy and happy to be happy

5. Dreaming to pray to Allah Taala or reading Qur'an in your home address you will be missed from the dangers or the perfect work done

6. If you dream of reading the Qur'an with a voice that is the address of your long life

7. If you dream of fasting the address you will get rich or be a great person

8. If you dream of yourself in an obedient state of your address, you will meditate

9. Dreaming of the fun of giving your address will get the reward in the world and hereafter

10. If you dream of seeing a lamp or something glowing indicates that your job is not working for someone Dreaming of yourself or your home burns meaning you will gain the virtues of the world and the hereafter

11. If you dream of seeing the entrance to the garden or any of its address areas you will have a happy news

12. If you dream of seeing a straight path giving your address will do all the instructions of Allah Taala If you dream of seeing the way to town gives you a hint you will get a huge profit

13. If you dream of seeing the narrow path of your address you will have difficulty

14. Dream of over armor in your home your home address is kept from any crime

15. Dreaming about the arrow indicates you will get a letter If you dreamed in the shaft of the person you address you would send news to people

16. Dreaming of wooden archery indicates death will occur

17. Dreaming of playing iron gives the address any work done will end with success

18. Dreaming of playing with weapons signifies that a person will benefit from what is done for charity Dreaming about gems brings a sign that you will gain property or promotion

19. Dreaming of wearing a silver bracelet at the foot of his address you will find virtue

20. Dream of money split into two addresses you will fight

21. Dreaming of a large or large clad you will be influential or big

22. Dreaming green in his address all the work done will get the pleasure of Allah Taala.

23. Dreaming of wearing a cloth giving your address will benefit greatly

24. If dreaming of a cloth on his waist torn his family address will die and if torn off his death address

25. Dreaming about drums in the home address of your work is blessed

26. If you dream of a rebab, the address gets joy in life

27. If you dream of eating a cake at the address, you will get a treasure and if you eat a meal with a king or a prominent person will your will be achieved

28. Dreaming of eating his address candy will be grieving

29. Dreaming of eating sour foods giving your address to be sick or mourning

The dream of the above mentioned dream is a part of the dream that can be written, most of these takbir can refer to the book titled "Encyclopedia of Dream Interpretation According to Islam by Imam Muhammad Ibn Sirin"

Some of the dreams we experience may be sleep toys. Depending on the time we sleep and the habit of a true dream always happens when we are sleeping soundly from 1 am until 4 am before dawn. Good dream is also a dream during sleep for a while before entering zohor. (Sunnah Rasulullah S.A.W. who suggested that we sleep for a while before entering zohor prayer time is called qailulah)